The Forge
Field Notes for Knowledge Work

» Unit 1: Conversing in Plain Text

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  • Bash/sh/zsh family is brilliant at intense interaction with humans. Aliases, short built-in commands, one liner-oriented nature, keyboard ergonomics, really concise file/process handling - all of this makes it the shell.1


    The craft of scripting is not hard to master, since scripts can be built in bite-sized sections and there is only a fairly small set of shell-specific operators and options [1] to learn. The syntax is simple—even austere— similar to that of invoking and chaining together utilities at the command line, and there are only a few “rules” governing their use. Most short scripts work right the first time, and debugging even the longer ones is straightforward.2


    One person who posted to the net said he had an “epiphany” from a shell script (which used four commands and a script that looked like line noise) which renamed all his .pas files so that they ended with .p instead. I reserve my religious ecstasy for something more than renaming files. And, indeed, that was my memory of Unix tools—you spend all your time learning to do complex and peculiar things that are, int he end, not really all that impressive.3

    3. Gim Giles of the Los Alamos National Laboratory as quoited in Garfinkel, Simson L., Donald Norman, and Dennis Ritchie. The UNIX Hater’s Handbook: The Best of UNIX-Haters On-Line Mailing Reveals Why UNIX Must Die!. Edited by Daniel Weise, Simson Garfinkel, and Steven Strassmann. San Mateo, CA: IDG Books Worldwide, 1994, 161.


    Follow Along

    mkdir test/
    cd test
    echo "hello world" > hello.txt
    cat hello.txt
    wc -c hello.txt
    # open Microsoft Word
    # type hello world
    # save file to your test folder as hello.docx
    cat hello.docx
    wc -c hello.docx
    # What other information accounts for the disparity between hello.txt and hello.docx?

    Historical Interlude: Morse and Baudot

    Morse Code

    Baudot Tape


    Your Turn